Rianto: Profile Performing Arts Europalia 2017


Rianto is the artistic director of Dewandaru Dance Company in Tokyo, Japan. He studied dance at ISI Surakarta, and has been intensively involved in the Lengger tradition from Banyumas since a young age. Since 2003, he has been living in Tokyo, where he develops a different choreography practice, although it still embarks from the tradition he holds dear. He has performed with a great number of choreographers, including Akiko Kitamura (Japan), Sen Hea Ha (Korea) and Chen Shi Zheng (China).

In Medium, Rianto’s body is a tool to traverse from the personal body to the social body. Rianto’s body is a medium open to the memory of the village cosmos of Lengger, the mental cosmos that migrates from town to town throughout the world. As such, it expresses a journey through various cultural spaces, in which Rianto’s body becomes an endless exploration of the world. Cahwati, who originates from the same village, presents the encyclopaedic social cosmos of the village through vocals and sound, taking Rianto’s body on an endless journey from the past to the present and into the future.