They Bring to Light the Important of Sangiran Site (Tenun Sarung Gloyor)


Though we are now living in a modem era, there are still some people who stay to maintain traditional way of producing tenun sarung gloyor, in Kalijambe District, Sambirembe Village to be exact. The industry uses traditional textile mill. It is not an easy process of making traditional woven cloth begun by colouring the cloth appropriately and dipping it into a mixture of boiled water and particular dye ordered by customer. The next step is drying string of yam, continued by winding it so that it can be placed on textile mill. It needs extra patience in winding such yam as it hardens after being dried. After being placed appropriately, the yam is begun to be made into cloth. It is also important to check the tidiness and adjust the yam. The finished cloth is pressed for about one day to make it neat. (Duwiningsih, Ratna Sri Panglipur, Ike Wahyuningsih, Gunawan, Iwan SB) Please click here