They Bring to Light the Important of Sangiran Site (Sragen Furniture)


Sragen is also well-known for its furniture where the centers of such industry are located in Kalijambe, Gemolong, Miri, Sumberlawang, and Sambungmacan. Various designs are available and made form various woods as well. They use teak, mahogany, pine, and acacia for the material. Furniture in Sragen is a small local industry making use of wood residue and creating opportunity for high foreign exchange.

Visitors of Sangiran Museum can find the centre of furniture industry easily nearby the site area. Such industry has reached international markets like Australia, Japan, France, and Dutch. (Duwiningsih, Ratna Sri Panglipur, Ike Wahyuningsih, Gunawan, Iwan SB) Please click here