BPSMP Sangiran Disseminates Informations Through Films Material


Mobile cinema playing in Mlandingan on June 22 2019, BPSMP Sangiran showed films of Sangiran and also programs on TV which is the result of coordination between BPSMP and TV media. This coordination is one of parts in disseminating information to society or public.

Films or TV programs tell about Sangiran, such as potential of Sangiran, Sangiran museum existence, and also society life in Sangiran. Through this material, it was expected make it easier for society to absorb information delivered. Besides, this purpose to give more information to society of Mlandingan.

According to Bioling team, Mlandingan is a place in middle of Sangiran site but it does not get enough information about the existence of museum. The people need to get information about the greatness of Sangiran site, utilization of Sangiran site for science and tourism, participations of peoples in preserving Sangiran site, research or findings management, and also policy take by BPSMP as the management of Sangiran site.

Therefore, Bioling team take step to give information about Sangiran through films or TV Programs that reveal story and existence of Sangiran. The films played are Asa Lake in Cemara valley, Giant Bone, Looking for Giant Bone, Bukuran, Krikilan, Sangiran for the World, Profile of Sangiran museum, finding management in Sumomorodukuh. Program TV Coordination such as Giant Bone, Good Indonesia, coverage of Fossil Conservation Workshops, Wira Wiri of Ngebung Cluster Museum, Wira Wiri of Krikilan Cluster Museum.

Mobile cinema playing with those materials and TV programs got appreciation from audience who don’t want to leave since film ends. Through those materials, the audiences got information about Sangiran simply, interesting and easy to understand. Through simple story like daily life, it makes the material easy to absorb/understand information delivered.

Audio visual show is one method to give information to society not only interesting but also effective. By witnessing what is on the show, the audience will pay attention to the picture and sound of the films in front of them. The material continuously presented around 5-30 minutes. A short duration makes the audience not bored quickly in watching Bioling films.

Through simply language, even there is film used Javanese which is their daily language, so it make the information and knowledge delivered easier to understand. Those all happen in mobile cinema playing in Mlandingan that can be evaluation for the next Bioling. (Wiwit Hermanto)

Translate by Mutiara Solikhah