Patrick Hartono: Profile Music Europalia Festival 2017


Born in Makassar 1988, Patrick Gunawan Hartono is a young Indonesian electroacoustic composer and intermedia artist. He earned a bachelor degree in music composition (Cum laude) from Codarts University of the Arts Rotterdam.

Patrick’s art and musical interest is to use technology and scientific approaches as creativity tools. He is also interested in 3-D sound spatialisation, analog/digital synthesis, psychoacoustic, and visual music. Most of his works use sound of Indonesian traditional music instrument, computer generated sound/images, field recordings, underwater photography; transformed, rearranged, modulated by mathematical rules, real time interaction, and controlled random operations.

His Music has been internationally performed at festival, conference, and venue such as YCMF (Yogyakarta, Indonesia), WOCMAT (Taiwan), Sound Bridge Festival (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), ZKM (Karlsruhe, German), IRCAM (Paris France), NYCEMF (New York, USA), Sines and Square (Manchester, UK), ACL (Yokohama, Japan), Sonorities Festival (Belfast, Northern Ireland), etc. Patrick is currently based in London and study at Goldsmith, University of London where he is actively involved in local and International electroacoustic, and experimental media scene.