They Bring to Light the Important of Sangiran Site (Gambyong Dance)


Gambyong is a dance for welcoming or beginning a marriage ceremony. The term gambyong comes from a taledhek dancer s name. She lived in the era of Sunan Paku Buwono IV in Surakarta. Choreography of Gambyong focuses on the movement of legs, body, arms, and head. It is characterized by the slow and controlled movement of head and arms. The dommant factor of such dance is expressed from the eyes movements that follow wherever the fingers move.

The development of Gambyong is closely related to esthetic value that describes flexibility, gentleness, and liveliness of a woman. It can be seen from the harmony of movement and rhythm between the movement and kendang rhythm.

Gambyong presents esthetic performance that is very suitable for cultural attraction.

(Duwiningsih, Ratna Sri Panglipur, Ike Wahyuningsih, Gunawan, Iwan SB) Please click here