Sangiran Fauna in the Last 2,4 Million Years (Ancient Buffalo/ Bubalus palaeokerabau)


This ancient kerabau had ever lived in Sangiran since Early Pleistocene to the Late Pleistocene. This animal has characterized by a pair of permanent horns but having cavity in the middle, extending to the side and the length may reach 1,5 meter. The horns is developed not long after its birth, and the lenght is increasing by the age. The animals could reach 1,5 – 2 meters in height, and the weight could reach 400-900 kilograms, even reached 1200 kilograms.

The ancient kerabau lived in intermediate habitat, which is open prairie with some parts are bush, meadow, and swamp environment. (Pipit Puji Lestari, Marlia Yulianti Rosyidah, Febri Wijanarko, Iwan SB) Plese click here