Buton archeological mini museum is a place where hundreds of fossils founded by Bumiayu residents are saved and displayed. This mini museum is located at K.H Ahmad Dahlan street, Kalierang, Bumiayu, Brebes regency. This mini museum which looks more like a temporary shelter for the fossils, occupies a private home garage owned by Rafli Rizal. Rafli Rizal is the pioneer and coordinator of a group of people who care about pre-historic relics in Bumiayu. The group is called Buton team (Bumiayu-Tonjong team). The Buton team was established 3 years ago when they found fossils around the rivers in Bumiayu and since then the Buton team began to save those fossils at Bumiayu and the surrounding area intensively.
The fossils at the Buton mini museum were found at Southern Brebes area. Those fossils were obtained from rivers in Southern Brebes, such as: Petujah river, Glagah river, Bodas river, Cisaat river, Gintung river and Kalijurang river. The fossils consist of bones, teeth, horns, and tusks from various species. Some of them have been identified from bull or buffalo family, deer family, and rhino family.
Some of the fossils are arranged neatly in racks but they are not grouped into types of fauna and the discovery site. Some fossils are just put on the floor considering the limited rack and garage space. Some of them are still in sack bags in broken condition. Generally, the collections of Buton archeological mini museum do not get the best attention. (Khofif)
-translated by: Arif Budianto-