Serpih Dari Situs Medalem: Temuan Artefak Batu Non-Masif Pertama Di Desa Medalem, Kabupaten Blora, Jawa Tengah



Situs Medalem merupakan salah satu situs penting yang berada di Bengawan Solo dalam penelusuran jejak-jejak kehidupan purba. Hasil penelitian terdahulu telah diperoleh sisa-sisa fauna Kala Pleistosen beserta alat tulang dan tanduk rusa. Serpih temuan hasil ekskavasi pada TP2 di Dusun Sunggun dan TP3 di Dusun Medalem merupakan artefak batu pertama yang ditemukan. Karakteristik bentuk serpih Situs Medalem berukuran >5 cm, telah tertransportasi, dan terendapkan pada lapisan sekunder, sama dengan artefak serpih dari Situs Ngandong dan Situs Matar. Keberadaan serpih telah melengkapi informasi budaya yang dihasilkan Homo erectus sebagai manusia pendukungnya. Dengan demikian, Medalem memiliki nilai penting sebagai sebuah lokasi guna menjelaskan penghunian manusia purba di Jawa.

Kata kunci: Artefak serpih, Medalem, Karakteristik


Medalem is one of the important sites to investigate the evidence of early Hominid in Java. Previous research results have obtained the remains of the fauna fossils along with artifacts from bone and antler. Several flakes were also found during archaeological excavations in Sunggun (TP2) and Medalem (TP3), marked as the first non-massive artifacts that have been found in this site. Flake-tools from Medalem Site has a similar morphology with other flake-tools that were found in other Pleistocene Sites along in the riverbank of the Bengawan Solo. The flake-tools morphology from Medalem are >5 cm in length, have been transported, and are deposited on the secondary layer, similar to the characteristic of flake-tools from the Ngandong and Matar. The evidence of flake-tools from Medalem has contributed to giving preliminary information about the culture and technology produced by Homo erectus as its human supporters. Therefore, Medalem has a significant meaning to reconstructs human.

Key words: Flake-tools, Medalem, Characteristics

(Haris Rahmanendra, Pipit Meilinda)

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