Imitating Ki Hajar Dewantara to Educate the Nation


National Education Day is important event to regain Ki Hadjar Dewantara spirit as “Father of National Education” to educate Indonesian nation. In articles published in the De Express newspaper owned by Indische Partij it contained his thought which made the Colonial government very angry. The titled of that article is “Als ik een Nederlander was” or “If I’m Netherlander” on July 13 1913.

That article is by Ki Hadjar Dewantara thought that do not agree about 100th commemoration of Netherland Independence from French colony. To celebrate, Dutch Indies were asked to donate. Excerpt of Ki Hadjar Dewantara is: “Really, if I’m Netherlander, so i don’t want to celebrate that kind of party here, in a country those we colonially. First, give the oppressed people independence, only then will we commemorate our own independence. This is one thought of Ki Hadjar Dewantara who tried to open the idea that to win independence it must educate the nation so that they understand the purpose of independence. Through his thought, Ki Hadjar Dewantara makes the Government very angry until arrested. This did not dampen Ki Hajar Dewantara’s determination to fight for independence by educating the nation’s life. Not a little of Ki Hajar Dewantara’s sacrifice in educating nation’s life.  To commemorate it, Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of Education and Culture Ministry in Central Java held National Education Day Celebration.  It held Educational Exhibition and cheap book bazaar with theme “Strengthen Education, Advancing Culture”. This exhibition was held on April 22-27 2019 in Pendhapi Gede in Surakarta City Hall.

In this chance, BPSMP Sangiran is participated actively to educate society and especially visitors of exhibition. BPSMP Sangiran is educating these visitors seriously, not only presenting interesting stand but also introduce it in way that is easy to understand. Collections that presented is only early human and also various books, Kahoot quiz tested to the visitors, interesting paper toys, and also explanation from guides. In the past, Ki Hadjar Dewantara sacrifice to educate the nation through his writings which did not agree with the colonial government, established school and another’s educational activities, but Nowadays BPSMP Sangiran educates the society in order to love to remains relics of the past. Educate people in different ways and have one thing in common, namely to educate the nation. (Wiwit Hermanto)

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