National Education Day Celebration in Pendhapi Gede (Educating through Paper Toys)


Ki Hajar Dewantara spirit in educating the life of the nation must be imitated and remembered services. To appreciate his services, it set on May 2 as a national education day, and every year commemorated. One commemorations held by Technical Implementation Unit of Education and Culture Ministry in Central Java. It held Educational Exhibition and cheap book bazaar with theme “Strengthen Education, Advancing Culture”. This exhibition was held on April 22-27 2019 in Pendhapi Gede in Surakarta City Hall.

One of the things done by BPSMP Sangiran is educating through Paper Toys. “In every exhibition we have done, there are many children visited so the paper toys is become one of props to educate them. There are elephant, buffalo, and river horse”, said Iwan Setiawan Bimas, S.S as the head of Utilization section Sangiran Museum.

This paper toys is really liked by the visitors in BPSMP Sangiran stand especially for children. The children are targeting the paper toys served by BPSMP Sangiran for free. Early animals are revived through this paper toys so it get interest by visitors especially for children.

“Woah, it’s good”

“What kind of that animal?”

“How to make?”

“May i ask one?”

“Is it early animals?”

“The color is good”

“This is good to educate children”

Those some comments by visitors that seen and want to get paper toys served by BPSMP Sangiran for the visitors. Through paper toys, BPSMP Sangiran is try to educate society and also introduce early animals lived in Sangiran site.

This is simple method to educate the society. Through this simply method, it take interest the visitors and ask to get it. There were many elementary students with their teachers came to BPSMP Sangiran to get paper toys and get information.

That’s a method to educate the society so they can get information about life in Sangiran site. Through this paper toys, it was expected that the society can know animals lived in Sangiran, there are even extinct animals in Javanese Island and in the past lived in Sangiran. (Wiwit Hermanto)
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