Modesty’s Mlandingan is the Location for Mobile Cinema Playing (Bioling)


Mlandingan village, Ngebung, Kalijambe, Sragen is modesty place located in Sangiran. The communities are really appreciated and hope information about Sangiran conveyed by BPSMP Sangiran.

“We hope to get information about Sangiran. Through playing Bioling, i believe it will well receive by community”, said Paidin, one of community figures.

After doing coordination with community figures and religious leaders, on Saturday June 21 2019, BPSMP Sangiran come with Mobile Cinema to present information through films. Through films, hopefully the community will get information about Sangiran. The community has the right to get information so it can take role in preserving Sangiran site. In another, Iwan Setiawan Bimas, S.S as the head of Utilization section said “So glad to give information for the community in order they can take role in preserving Sangiran site”.

In this mobile cinema playing, the audiences are presented interesting information through films about Sangiran. This becomes one of efforts from BPSMP Sangiran to invite communities especially Sangiran site residents.

“Films that we played on occasion of mobile cinema in Mlandingan was more about an explanation to the public about what was carried out by BPSMP Sangiran as the manager of information about the Sangiran site and museum, and also the greatness of Sangiran site that must be save and preserved,” said Iwan.

Cinema in Mlandingan village, since in the beginning, Bioling team was prepared mobile cinema playing. Some children are also waiting for and pay attention about what the team did. When the teams try to play the film, some children are sitting and witness it.

Local wisdom of the community has begun to be felt, they helped Bioling team. The around community help to prepare tools, clean the location, so the audience will comfortable, help preparing the locations up to various other conveniences in Bioling. According to the coordination of Bioling teams and local people, Bioling will play after Isha’ prayer so it does not interfere with people’s worship.

For disseminating Bioling information, it is done by involving the RT head by mouth. Besides, religious leaders are also take role in announcing mobile cinema playing through mosque speaker.

“I delivered the information about mobile cinema playing to the communities in Mlandingan and surrounding village so they can come here to watch”, said Paidin.

With the modesty, Mlandingan is try to take more role in preserving Sangiran site. Hopefully, through mobile cinema playing (Bioling) the community can take more role and support management of Sangiran site as nation’s pride. (Wiwit Hermanto)

Translate by Mutiara Solikhah