They Bring to Light the Important of Sangiran Site (Natural and Cultural Potencies of Sangiran Site)


Sangiran is the most complete paleontological site in Indonesia established by UNESCO as the World Cultural Heritage No. 593 since December 5* 1996. This site covers three districts in Sragen Regency, namely Kalijambe, Gemolong, and Plupuh, as well as Gondangrejo District in Karanganyar Regency, Central Java. Generally, Sangiran is occupied by the Javanese who use Javanese language as their daily language.

This site is well-known to be inhabited by Early Man from the Pleistocene that contribute not only archaeological but also cultural potentials. People may enjoy seeing the museum that displays archaeological findings as well as gaining information about Sangiran’s culture such as; traditional art, ceremony, architecture, and handicraft that become the site’s supporting value. (Duwiningsih, Ratna Sri Panglipur, Ike Wahyuningsih, Gunawan, Iwan SB) Please click here