Profil Penerima Anugerah Kebudayaan Indonesia 2017 Kategori Perorangan Asing: Mitsuo Nakamura


Family name : Nakamura

Given name  : Mitsuo

Born            : 19 Oktober 1933, Dalian, North East China

Nationality   : Japanese

Current position:
Professor Emeritus, Chiba University, Japan

Home address:
4-10-20 Josuihoncho, Kodaira-shi, Tokyo, JAPAN 187-0022 Mobile phone: +81-(0) 80-5111-3297
E-mail: <>


Islamic social movements in Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia; area studies on Southeast Asia (Indonesia); modern history of Islam; anthropology of religion

Japanese, English, and Indonesian

Ph.D. in Anthropology, Cornell University (1976) M.A. in Anthropology, Cornell University (1968) M.A. in Anthropology, Tokyo University (1965) B.A. in Philosophy, Tokyo University (1960)

Past Positions:

  • –  Visiting Fulbright Scholar, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, 2004-05
  • –  Senior Research Advisor (Sovereign Risk Assessment), Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), 2001-03
  • –  Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Policy Studies, Chuo University, 2001- 02
  • –  Professor of Anthropology, Faculty of Letters, Chiba University, 1983-99
  • –  Lecturer, Graduate School of International Development Studies, Nagoya University, 1992-98
  • –  Fulbright Senior Research Fellow and Visiting Scholar, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, Spring1993
  • –  Visiting Scholar, Center for the Study of World Religions and Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, 1981-82
  • –  Visiting Fellow, Research School of Paci c Studies and Faculty of Asian Studies, The Australian National University, 1978-80
  • –  Foreign Expert, Social Science Research Training Station, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Indonesia, 1976-78
  • –  Senior Teaching Fellow, Department of Anthropology, University of Adelaide, 1974-75Major Academic Works:

2016 “Kauman” in Encyclopedia Islam – Three, Brill.
2015 “Another Islam in Indonesia” (in Japanese), Mail Magazine

Alter, No.144 (December 2015).

2013 “Fakih Usman” in Encyclopedia Islam – Three, Brill.

2012 The Crescent Arises Over the Banyan Tree: A Study of the Muhammadiyah Movement in a Central Javanese Town c.

1910-2010. Second Enlarged Edition. (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies).

2011 “Anthropology of Civilization: Personal Re ections on Anthropological Approach in the Study of Muslim Societies in Southeast Asia,” paper presented at International Seminar on the Study of Malay Civilization, held at IAIN Raden Fatah, Palembang, September 2011.

  1. 2010a  “Rationality and Enlightenment: A Comparison of Educational Reforms Promoted by Gülen Movement and Muhammadiyah,” paper presented at International Conference on Gülen Educational Movement held at UIN- UI, Jakarta, October 2010. (On-Line Publication, Fetullah Gülen’s Webiste)
  2. 2010b  “Democratization at Grass Roots Level: The Case of Kotagede, Yogyakarta, focusing on the Muhammadiyah movement,”paper presented at meetings held at UIN Alaudin, Macassar and IAIN Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, October 2010.
  3. 2010c  “Political, social and economic role of Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama, Two Biggest Islamic Organizations in Indonesia,” lecture given at ERIA (Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia), Jakarta, July 2010.
  4. 2010d  “Penting, Keterlibatan Ilmuwan Sosial Dalam Muhammadiyah,” Media Inovasi: Jurnal Ilmu dan Kemanusiaan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (Edisi Khusus Muktamar Satu Abad Muhammadiyah), Yogyakarta: June 2010, pp. 74-76.
  5. 2010e  “Harapan terhadap NU Pasca-Gus Dur, ” Mohamad Sobary (ed.), NU dan Keindonesiaan, Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2010, pp. 223-228.

2008 “PurbahanSosialdanDinamikaKehidupanBeragama:Hasil


Peninjauan Kilat terfokus pada Gerakan Muhammadiyah di Kotagede, Yogyakarta,” paper presented at a seminar held at PSKK (Pusat Studi Kependudukan dan Kebijakan), Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, February 2008.

  1. 2005a  ISLAM AND DEMOCRACY IN INDONESIA: OBSERVATIONS ON THE 2004 GENERAL AND PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS, (Cambridge, M.A., Islamic Legal Studies Program, Harvard Law School, Occasional Publications 6, December 2005).
  2. 2005b  “Muhammadiyah faces the challenge of democracy,” in MUHAMMADIYAH MENJEMPUT PERUBAHAN, Mukhaer Pakkanna & Nur Achmad (eds.), (Jakarta: P3SE STIE Ahmad Dahlan & Penerbit Buku Kompas, 2005).
  1. 2003a  (Translation) KISAH PERJUANGAN REFORMASI (A Story of Struggle for Reformasi) edited by Selo Soemardjan, translation into Japanese from Indonesian in collaboration with AOKI Takenobu, OGUNI Kazuko, SUZUKI Seiko, and MIZUKAMI Hiroshi (Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, 2003).
  2. 2003b  RELIGIOUS, ETHNIC AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN INDONESIA AND PROSPECTS FOR ITS NATIONAL RE-INTEGRATION, (in Japanese), JBIC Research Report No.25, (Tokyo: Japan Bank for International Cooperation).

2001 ISLAM AND CIVIL SOCIETY IN SOUTHEAST ASIA, edited with Sharon Siddique and Omar Farouk Bajunid, (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2001).

2000a (Translation) CULTURAL CHANGE IN RURAL INDONESIA: IMPACT OF VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT, by Selo Soemardjan and Kennon Breazeal, translation into Japanese from English in collaboration with AOKI Takenobu, IKEDA Kanji, OGUNI Kazuko, OKUNO Katsumi, NAKAMURA Hisako, and MIZUKAMI Hiroshi


(Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, 2000).

2000b “Ideas of Gus Dur and Indonesia’s Strategic Change of Direction,” (in Japanese), GAIKO FORUM, No. 139, March 2000 (monthly journal sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japanese Government).

1999 “Prospects for Islam in Post-Soeharto Indonesia,” ASIA- PACIFIC REVIEW 6:1 (Institute for Policy Studies, Australia, 1999).

1998 “Foreign Policy of Indonesia: Islam and Politics,” (in Japanese) in FOREIGN POLICY OF ISLAMIC COUNTRIES, edited by KOSUGI Yasushi, (Japan Institute of International Affairs, 1998).

1997 “Resurgence of Islam in Southeast Asia: Threat to Japan or Partner for Co-Prosperity?” (in Japanese), JOURNAL OF WORLD AFFAIRS, 45:6 (Takushoku University).

  1. 1995a  Articles of “Nahdlatul Ulama” and “Abdurrahman Wahid,” in OXFORD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE MODERN ISLAMIC WORLD, editor in chief, John L. Esposito, (Oxford University Press, 1995).
  2. 1995b  “Munawir Sjadzali: A scholar, diplomat, and statesman,” in Sulastorno et al. editors, KONTEKSTUALISASI AJARAN ISLAM: 70 TAHUN PROF. DR. H. MUNAWIR SJADZALI, (Jakarta: IPHI & Yayasan Waqaf PARAMADINA, 1995)
  1. 1994a  “Islamic Network in North America: E-mail networks among Indonesian Muslim students,” (in Japanese), in MUSLIM LIFE AND SOCIETY, edited by KATAKURA Motoko (Yubunsha 1994)
  2. 1994b  “Development of Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia,” in collaboration with NISHINO Setsuo, in EAST ASIAN HIGHER EDUCATION: TRADITIONS









AND TRANSFORMATIONS, edited by Albert H. Yee, (Pergamon 1994).

“Emergence of New Middle Class and the Mainstreaming of Islam in Indonesia — Social Background for the Establishment of ICMI,” (in Japanese), GENDAI AJIA (Contemporary Asia) Vol. 3, edited by HAGIWARA Yoshinobu, (Tokyo University Press, 1994).

“Islam, Java and Indonesia – An Observation through the Figure of A.R. Fachruddin, Chairman of Muhammadiyah,” (in Japanese), TONAN AJIA NO BUNKA (Cultures of Southeast Asia), edited by MAEDA Narifumi, (Tokyo: Kobundo).

ZEN JAWA KAIKYO JOKYO CHOSASHO (Survey Report on Islam in Java and Madura), (in Japanese), editor and introduction, (reproduction of the 1942 survey report compiled by the 16th Japanese Army), (Tokyo: Ryukei Shosha).

“Acceptance and Development of Islam in Southeast Asia: Mysticism of Hamzah Fansuri,” (in Japanese), in TOYO SHISO (Oriental Thoughts), editors, IZUTSU Toshihiko et al., (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten).

“Rural-Urban Differentiation in Islamic Social Movements of Indonesia: The Case of Muhammadiyah in Indonesia,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Urbanism in Islam (Tokyo).

“Islam in Southeast Asia (in Japanese),” in NEW HANDBOOK ON SOUTHEAST ASIA, edited by TAKIZAWA Tsutomu under the supervision of MATSUMOTO Shigeharu, (Tokyo: Kodansha).

“Freedom in the Interpretation of Islam: Interview with

Prof. Mukti Ali, Indonesia’s Former Religious Affairs Minister (in Japanese),” Asahi Shimbun, December 20, 1988.

1985 “Indonesia Aspires to be the Leader of the Islamic World on the Solid Foundation of Pancasila – Observation of the NU’s 28th National Congress in

Situbondo, East Java (in Japanese),” THIS IS (Yomiuri Shimbun, June 1985).


1984a  “The Cultural and Religious Identity of Javanese Muslims: The Case of Muhammadiyah,” PRISMA, No.31 (LP3ES, Jakarta, 1984).



1984b  (Translation into Japanese), INDONESIA, by John D. Legge, (The Simul Press).


1982 Tradisionalisme Radikal NU di Indonesia, Surakarta: Haspara, 1982.

1981 “The Radical Traditionalism of the Nahdlatul Ulama in Indonesia: A Personal Account of Its 26th National Congress, June 1979, Semarang,” TONAN AJIA KENKYU (Southeast Asian Studies), 19:2 (CSEAS, Kyoto University, 1981)

1980a  “Su Elements in Muhammadiyah? Notes from Field Observation,” PRISMA IX-8, (LP3ES, Jakarta)

1980b  “The Reformist Ideology of Muhammadiyah,” in INDONESIA: THE MAKING OF A CULTURE, J. J. Fox et al., editors, (Canberra: RSPacS, ANU).

1979 Agama dan Lingkungan Kultural Indonesia, Surakarta: Haspara, 1979.

1977 “Professor Haji [Abdul] Kahar Muzakkir and the Development of the Muslim Reformist Movement in Indonesia,” in RELIGION AND SOCIAL ETHOS IN INDONESIA, with Benedict Anderson and Mohamed Slamet, (Melbourne: CSEAS, Monash University).

1971a  “Masalah Gerakan Islam di Kotagede”, Brosur Lebaran, No. 9, AMM Kotagede, 1391H/1971M.

1971b  (Translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English),Kuntowidjojo, “Economic and Religious Attitudes of Entrepreneurs in a Village Industry: Notes on the Community of Batur,” INDONESIA, No. 12 ((Modern Indonesia Project, Cornell University).

1970 “General Imamura and the Early Period of Japanese Occupation,” INDONESIA, No. 10 (Modern Indonesia Project, Cornell University).