Two Sites that are Brothers


Sangiran and Zhoukoudian sites are important sites in the world and have long record about human that we can see through ground layer. Separated by thousand kilometers, hominid as the first explorer across this 2 sites in different times and leave their life trace. Sinanthropus pekinensis is Homo erectus that explores from Africa and stop in Zhoukoudian, about 42 kilometers southwest of Beijing, at the middle Pleistosen. Sinanthropus pekinensis is also well known as Peking man, and now its called Homo erectus pekinensis is the first hominid which can be aligned with Java Man or Homo erectus from Sangiran. They lived tat 700.000 years ago in Zhoukoudian.

Not only had the leftover from Homo erectus, this site also save the leftover from Homo sapiens lived around 18.000-17.000 before century. Is is not surprising with this archaelogical wealth Zhoukoudian site recorded in the list of UNESCO World Heritage on 1987 because the leftover can describe the process of human evolution. (ISB)
Translate by Mutiara Solikhah