The Visit of Bakohumas Thematic Forum Participants in Sangiran


In order to establish coordination and cooperation between Government Public Relations held Bakohumas Thematic Forum by the Minister of Education and Culture. That event was held on June 19-21 2019 in Surakarta by taking theme “Realizing the Promotion of Superior Culture and Character through the Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Museum”.

Bakohumas (Public Relation Coordination Organization) is a nonstructural institution which is a forum for coordination and cooperation between the public relations ministry sector work unit secretariat of state institution, ministry level state institution, non-ministerial government institution, public broadcasting institution, nonstructural institution and local institution. According to the theme, on the event Bakohumas Thematic Forum make a visit to Sangiran Early Man Museum Krikilan cluster.

In this visit, the participants are warmly welcome by Mr. M. Hidayat as the head of BPSMP Sangiran. On his speech, Mr. Hidayat showed his happiness for the visit. “This visit is according to the theme take on this forum, through the visit hopefully the participants can learn about museum and collections here”, said Mr. Hidayat.

In this visit, the participants are invited to learn through explanation by Mr. Hidayat about Important value of Sangiran and the evidence greatness are display on the museum. “Without a museum, visitors do not get any knowledge because the location that is a source of knowledge is on hot, dusty and humid field so it is not attractive. Therefore, then established the museum which gave an illustration about the greatness of Sangiran site”, said Mr. M. Hidayat as the head of BPSMP Sangiran in the beginning of his presentation.

After gave his presentation, Mr. Hidayat invited the participants to watch Sangiran movie that can give illustration audio and visually. Through this movie, it can give illustration about site Sangiran Museum. “Now, all of you are only visit in Sangiran Museum cluster Krikilan, hopefully in another chance you may visit in our another clusters that give different knowledge”, said Mr. Hidayat.

The title of the movie are “Sangiran Profile” and “Sangiran for the World”, give brief explanation that enough for participants. Through the movie “Sangiran Profile”, the participants are explained how Sangiran site was created and events involved into it. The life of early human and animals are clearly explained. Sangiran nowdays is the ending of movie, as the sign that this site can give knowlegde to the community.

“Sangiran for the World” movie are complementary of this visit and also explanation through the movie. The utilizing of Sangiran site raise the community’s life, and life’s story of them live in Sangiran are become own attractiveness.

Discussion and Question-Answer are complementary of this visit that started through explanation. In the end the participants are invited to explore Sangiran Museum cluster Krikilan. Hopefully, this chance can be part of cultural advancement and inspire various participation parties in preserving cultural heritage and instill love for the museum. (Wiwit Hermanto)
Translate by Mutiara Solikhah