The Questions by Bakohumas Thematic Forum Participants on a Visit to Sangiran


Bakohumas Thematic Forum Participants was held by Education and Culture Ministy visited to Sangiran Early Man Museum Krikilan cluster. This visit was on June 20 2019 that was being part of Bakohumas Thematic Forum Participants event in Surakarta. That event was held on June 19-21 2019 in Surakarta by taking theme “Realizing the Promotion of Superior Culture and Character through the Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Museum”. The participants visit to Sangiran Early Man Museum Krikilan cluster was being part of instilling knowledge about cultural heritage and museum according to the theme.

On this visit, the participants gave explanation through presentation, discussion, and Question –Answer, watching Sangiran movie, and explore the displays. On the explanation, the participants gave information about the important value have by Sangiran site and the evidence is display on the museum.

“Without a museum, visitors do not get any knowledge because the location that is a source of knowledge is on hot, dusty and humid field so it is not attractive. Therefore, then established the museum which gave an illustration about the greatness of Sangiran site”, said Mr. M. Hidayat as the head of BPSMP Sangiran in the beginning of his presentation.

Through a museum, visitors get various knowledges about Sangiran and also witness the various collections on display. “Collection that we have now is around 40 thousand, there are still many that have not been identified and the collections on museum only a small part of our findings”, said Mr. Hidayat.

After listened the explanation by Mr. Hidayat, then they watched Sangiran movie. The participants are invited to discuss. 2 ways communication occurred which made the participant give various questions. The questions are:

How the community found fossils?

How many fossils are managed?

Sangiran’s collection is on abroad, so how to save it?

There was a pro-contra reaction on social media during the exhibition, how to explain to the community?

How to determine the age of fossils?

There is difference between religion and science opinion, how to respond?

How to convince the community that cultural heritage must be submitted?

Is there any reward for the community who submitted cultural heritage?

Those are some questions gave by the participants to Mr. Hidayat in order to reveal question that have been exist around the community. From the question, it can be sign that there are still a lot of things must be convey, there are still a lot of unrevealed thing to the community. This becomes a difficult task for BPSMP Sangiran that must be answered through various events for the sake of cultural advancement. (Wiwit Hermanto)
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