Ari Sihasale and Nia Zulkarnain with the group of Alenia’s Journey Uncover NTT arrival in the Museum of Sangiran greeted kindly. Various information presented in showrooms and described by Sukronedi, S.Si, M.A. as Head BPSMP Sangiran.

Ari and Nia were amazed and fascinated watching the various of ancient collections on the display. They could hardly believe the greatness shown in Museum of Sangiran. Nia surprised watching the Javanese elephant fossils in the showroom. “During this time I think there are only lived in Sumatra” said Nia.

Hearing Nia’s confession, Sukronedi explained the elephant fossil they watched was the evidence that elephants formerly in Java. With 4 meters elephant tusk, estimated the elephant tall is about 5 meters with 8 meters length. So much bigger than the present elephant, he said.

Moreover, the shock not stopped here, Nia and the group shocked after seeing the reconstruction of Hippopotamus in showroom I. “During this time I thought hippopotamus only in Egypt, but they in here too and lived together beside early humans, said Nia.

The Hippopotamus is a replica which found by French researchers when examined Sangiran. 80% of real hippopotamus fossils found by the researcher reconstructed and properly kept in storage, explain Sukronedi. Furthermore, Sukronedi explained that the hippopotamus replica shows the visitors that hippo lived in the river when Sangiran still a swamp, they lived with early humans and all this became public knowledge, he added.

Besides elephants and hippopotamus, Nia and the group unnerved if there are evidences indicating that Sangiran was the sea, swamp, forests, savannahs, steppes and barren life in the past. The evidences are shown by the founding of fossils and artefacts. All the evidence indicates the proof of God greatness on Sangiran land. (Wiwit Hermanto)

(translated by Bima JB)