Ari Sihasale and Nia Zulkarnain already known as two figures of the artist on the film industry in Indonesia. On the day of Thursday, November 24, 2016, their entourage with Alenia’s Journey Uncover NTT visited the Museum of Ancient Man Sangiran. The group visited Dayu and Krikilan Cluster Museum of Early Man to see the greatness of early human life in Sangiran. Ari explained that his visit with the group is to get a variety of information about the reconstruction of Homo floriensis found in Flores. “We got the information from internet that the information is here, on our way to NTT. So, we layover here and gather the information” explains Ari when he met with Sukronedi, S.Si, M.A. as Head of Conservation Office of Sangiran Early Man Site.

In addition to get the information and watching the reconstruction of Homo floriensis, the group unnerved about the collection in the display rooms. “Many of knowledge gained here, we are very lucky can visit here” said Ari.

After gained the information in the Sangiran Museum of Early Man, the group got varieties of interesting information that can be shared in their documentary film. After the success of “Alenia’s Journey Uncover Papua”, they will make a documentary film again that still located in eastern Indonesia. The documentary film entitled “Alenia’s Journey Uncover NTT”, where this film will explore and explain Homo floriensis found in Flores NTT. (Wiwit Hermanto)

(translated by Bima JB)