Sangiran Stratigraphy And Early Environment (Sangiran Uniqueness)


Until today, there are more than 100 individual of Early Man fossils in Sangiran, contribute more than 50% of early man fossils found around the world. In addition, many artifacts and fauna fossils are found. Those findings were kept in a stratigraphy, which was uninterruptedly deposited for more than 2 million years old. Sangiran uniqueness is completed by the presence of several saline water seeps in a field, about 600m eastward from Sangiran Museum. Was Sangiran a marine environment in the past time? Why does it then become a land? Why are the fossil findings abundantly found in Sangiran, and not in other places? To answer such questions, let us back to the past Sangiran’s environment. (Suwita Nugraha, Wulandari, Iwan SB)

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