International Participatory Training “HOH” (Human Origin Heritage) v. 2.0 2019 in Salatiga and Sangiran 

Foto 1. BPSMP Sangiran sebagai narasumber dalam kegiatan HOH di UKSW, Salatiga

In collaboration Center for Sustainable Development Studies (CSDS) UKSW and d’Histoire Naturelle National Museum (MNHN), Paris, France on 2019, it holds again International Participatory Training “HOH” (Human Origins Heritage) v. 2.0 in Salatiga and Sangiran.

This event is held for 12 days, started from May 13-15 2019. This event involved 23 students from various countries, such as Indonesia, France, Spain, Cambodia, and Timor Leste.

HOH (Human Origins Heritage) is a participatory event, which is the event need local community participation to collect general data that is controlled on a large scale about an area to answer certain scientific questions. The main purpose of this event is scientific exchanging (transfer of knowledge) between researcher with local community, therefore this event is invite around community which represented by Pokdarwis (Tourism Conscious Group) and Young Guardian Club (YGC). Besides, BPSMP Sangiran is also participated in that event, they are as field supervisor, and give presentation to all students of UKSW Salatiga that involved with titled “The Conservation and Dissemination Policy of Sangiran Conservation office.

HOH classified into some groups and has each topic. The topics are; First group is “Museum and Site”, second group is “The Perception about Museum in Sangiran”, third group is “Living in World Heritage Site”, fourth group is “Sangiran and Heritage”, and fifth group is “Sangiran as the place of Science”. Each of groups formulates the problem first before they collect the data in field so that activities are more focused and can be controlled.

Beside field activities (outdoor), it also did anothers indoor activities in Sangiran, such as little presentation and discussion about Preventive Archaeology by Christophe Sevin in T Jacob room of BPSMPS on May 17, 2019, practicum making stone tool from flint rock on May 19, 2019. The final presentation is delivered by Pokdarwis and YGC in Auditorium of Dayu Claster on May 20, 2019.

This HOH event is expected can be useful for all of parties, especially in preservation of the early Sangiran man site itself. (Rindy Rindy Gita Wahyuni & Haris Rahmanendra).

Translate by Mutiara Solikhah