The Semedo Early Man Site has been known since some locals discover numerous vertebrate fossils at Semedo forest. The discovery attracts the attention from Tegal regency’s goverment which later a further research is conducted by Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta.

Since 2009, BPSMP Sangiran has been paying serious attention to Semedo site by routinely doing a research. The research is done as the Semedo site has great potency in revealing early man’s life.

In preserving the Semedo site, BPSMP Sangiran divides it into some zones and creates site borders in order to ease on how to preserve it. It is done by doing an FGD (Forum Group Discussion) then continued with excavating data directly from the site.

pelestarian situs semedo

The FGD and the excavation are early steps in establishing some zones in Semedo site which in the end, areas that are need to be preserved considering the potency on each object found in those areas will be known, said the Head Officer of BPSMP Sangiran Mr. Sukronedi, S.Si, M.A. ending his speech in the occasion. The occasion, FGD and excavation, is held on July, 27th until August, 3rd 2016 and involving several institutions such as: Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, Bappeda, DPRD Kabupaten Tegal, LSM Gerbang Mataram, chief of every village in Semedo site, Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta, BPCB Jawa Tengah, and KPH Pemalang.

The results of this occasion are early steps in the preservation effort of Semedo early man site, thus in the future the legal permit will be gained as the foundation to preserve the Semedo early man site. (wiwit hermanto)

-translated by: Arif Budianto-