Sangiran Fauna in the Last 2,4 Million Years (Dusky Shark)


Beside Megalodon, there were also fossil finding of shark teeth from different species, carcharhinus/bronze shark. This shark is an inhabitant of continental shelf waters to a depth of 400 meters in tropical warm water. Carcharhinus obscurus is a species of shark reaches 3,6 meters in length and 180 kg in weight. The color of the body is dominantly black-brown, except for pectoral part and tail which are brighter. This shark commonly takes variety of smaller fish and mollusk like octopus. In the ocean, this fish is one of generalist apex predators. (Pipit Puji Lestari, Marlia Yulianti Rosyidah, Febri Wijanarko, Iwan SB) Plese click here