Sangiran Fauna in the Last 2,4 Million Years (Crabs)


The crab fossil is found in Pucangan Formation, dated to 1,3 mya. The crab has very hard upper shell, composed of citin called as carapace. Crab is included in ordo Brachyura from Crustacea. It has 10 feet, so also called as decapod, consisting of a pair of chelipeds and four pair of feet. Chelipedsare for holding the prey, for digging, and as the weapon to handle the enemies. In most of the findings, usuallythe carapaces’fossils, butthefeetareabsent. They live in all world’s oceans, in fresh water, and on land. But most of crabs live in coastal area and muddy land. Crabs are omnivores, feeding primarily on smaller animals, zooplankton, and also carcass. (Pipit Puji Lestari, Marlia Yulianti Rosyidah, Febri Wijanarko, Iwan SB) Plese click here