Traditional Treatement with Fossil


Ngebung cluster is one of the cluster museums in the Sangiran early human museum located in the Sangiran site. It is not far from the ancient human museum, the Krikilan cluster which is the center of Sangiran’s site visit. In Ngebung cluster one diorama can be found which shows a house with a dukun figure and a patient being treated. The diorama tells us that the people of Sangiran have a belief in the power of “Balung Buto” which can be used to cure various diseases and even be used as amulets. Buto or giant bone has a story that is believed by the people of Sangiran as a bone that originated from a giant in the past. In Sangiran area there was a great war and in that war many giants were killed and buried in the hills of Sangiran.

The technique of treatment with a buto balloon is done by soaking the buto balloon in water, and drinking the water to the patient. Besides that, or it can also by boiled and pounded then the water drink by the patient. This treatment can did alone or by shaman help at that time. If the disease was severe they went to the shaman directly.

Since 1930-1940, giant bone started called as a fossil. It known by the society since a foreigner researcher came to Sangiran region named Von Koenigswald. Koenigswald researcher bring a change in society perception that giant bone is a remain of life in the past. Until the end, now fossil seen as science data to reveal human life in the past. (Desmaristi Amanda). translated by: Mutiara Sholikah