They Bring to Light the Important of Sangiran Site (Traditional Houses)


Indonesia is rich in traditional house that characterizes each area. Sangiran is represented by limasan and joglo traditional houses. There are still types of traditional houses with architecture of Central Java designed with limasan and wuwungan on the top of their roofs. Wuwungan is a decoration made from clay/terracotta also can be from iron sheeting. The word wuwungan derives from “wuwung” which means top of the roof. There are various forms of wuwungan, namely:

  1. Animals (like dragon and chicken) and human.
  2. Gunungan (mountainlike figure in wayang), figure of wayang (Kresna, Semar, Pandhawa, and animals related to the story in wayang).
  3. Ukel-ukelan, stilisasi of flowers and leaves. (Duwiningsih, Ratna Sri Panglipur, Ike Wahyuningsih, Gunawan, Iwan SB) Please click here