They Bring to Light the Important of Sangiran Site (The World Heritage Batik)


There are many batik industries found in some places in Indonesia with their own characteristic and uniqueness. Sragen Regency is the biggest center of batik following Pekalongan and Surakarta, and the center is located in Plupuh and Masaran Districts. They are situated nearby one another, on the north and south part of Bengawan Solo. Being located in nearby the river, those centers are called as batik “gir-li” which stands for “pinggir kali” (pinggir: edge, kali: river). In Sragen, batik is characterized by lighter colour base. The design combines classic pattern and pictures of flora as well as fauna like shrimp, ox, and many more. Kampung Batik Pungsari is a village in Plupuh District which belongs to Sangiran Site and recruits a lot of manpower to work in a batik industry. (Duwiningsih, Ratna Sri Panglipur, Ike Wahyuningsih, Gunawan, Iwan SB) Please click here