I R. Willem Frederik Florus Oppennorth Biography


Oppennorth is an expert in Geology alumnus from Delft Technical University (Technische Hoogeschool Delft). He was born on 1881 in Netherland. Oppennorth study many experiences when he worked to Salenka expedition in Trinil on 1907. From there, his carrier developed. His interest and technical skill recorded along 30 years of his carrier in Geology survey, especially in deciding stratigraphy context Homo erectus which found during Mapping Program of Java Island. On 1931-1932, he identified fossil of Ngandong I-III (now it coded Ngandong I-V), and evaluated the context of Ngandong V (now it coded Ng 6), a fossil found in situ (in the context of the storage soil).

On July 31st 1933, he officially stopped working from that ambitous program. Is is not clear enough when he left Java, but he back to Netherland because his wife was sick and the three children want to study in foreign of his country. His back to Netherland does not reduce his passion to do a research Ngandong findings.

To the Hindia-Dutch government, he send official request letter so that the finding fossils are sent to Netherland to studied. His request was not fulfilled. Ngandong human fossils are increasingly unreachable. Oppennorth attention then turns to artifact research from Valley of Bengawan Solo River. On 1936, his article “A Prehistoric Cultural Center along the Solo river” published in the Journal of the Royal Netherlands Geographic Society. He also contributed on International Symposium on Early Man in Philadelphia, USA on 1937. Source: Museum of Early Human Cluster Ngebung
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