For Harmonious Life Together


The researches for Sriwijaya’s story provided many
facts on past wisdom that can be interpreted to
address current life. For example regarding the issue of
tolerance, it can be seen from several findings of Hinduism
statues or buildings in the midst of great Buddhism
civilization flourishing in Sriwijaya. The statue of
Awalokiteswara from Binginjungut area which was a
dedication of a Hindu priest to the followers of Buddhism,
clearly indicated the presence of harmonious religious life
in the area of Sriwijaya. Then regarding environmental
wisdom, Talang Tuo inscription dating from 7th century AD
provided us with lessons on maintaining the environmental
sustainability for the sake of harmony in living together,
including with the closest neighboring nations. Talang Tuo
inscription described the construction of an ecological park
named Sriksetra which was dedicated for maintaining the
natural environment for the sake of all living beings’
prosperity and happiness.