Borobudur Conservation Office are pleased to announce Borobudur International Seminar on Heritage Conservation (BOISHC 2020). We invites students, professionals, young conservators and archeologists from all around the world to discuss about The Role of Borobudur Conservationists on the International Scene: 20 Years Reflection After Indonesia Restoration Project in Angkor (ITASA 1994-2000)
This year 2020 coincides with the 20th year of completion of the Indonesian assistance project known as ITASA (Indonesia Technical Assistance for Safeguarding Angkor) in 1994-1999. The project was very successful in restored three temples (The Royal Palace Gate in Angkor Thom area), as well as the development of local human resources.
Borobudur international seminar on Heritage Conservation (BOISHC 2020) will be implemented remotely by utilizing digital technology using a webinar platform. Borobudur Conservation Office will host the webinar while the speakers and participants will join from their respective places.
To support this activity, additional online events will be held, namely :
1.Virtual Exhibition with the theme ”Borobudur Laboratory: a contribution from Indonesia to cultural heritage in Southeast Asia“
2. Virtual Tour Borobudur-Angkor with the theme “The Influence of Borobudur Architecture on Temples in Angkor, Is There Evidence?”
It will be held on November 10 – 11, 2020 using Zoom Webinar application. Please make sure to register yourself before November 9, 2020.
To register please visit https://s.id/boishc_registration
For more information about schedule, topics, and speakers please visit our site http://boishc.borobudurpedia.id/